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Holiday voicemail greetings: 5 advantages of adding holiday music to your IVR messages

Holiday voicemail greetings

The holidays are a time for joy, celebration, and music. And what better way to spread the holiday cheer than by adding festive background music to your voicemail greetings?

When it comes to leaving a lasting impression, it’s often the little things that matter the most. One simple yet highly effective way to create a memorable experience for your callers is by incorporating holiday music into your voicemail greetings.

Holiday voicemail greetings are a simple and cost-effective way to enhance your brand’s image and create a memorable caller experience.

The benefits of holiday voicemail greetings

Holiday melodies have a unique power to connect with people on a deep, emotional level. Here are a few advantages of using background music in your voicemail greetings during this time of year:

1. Create a festive and inviting atmosphere

Holiday music instantly immerses callers in the holiday spirit, making them feel more relaxed and positive. This contributes to an overall more positive customer experience.

2. Boost brand awareness

Background music is an excellent way to keep your brand top-of-mind with callers. When they hear a familiar holiday jingle, they’re more likely to remember your business when they’re ready to make a purchase.

3. Improve the customer experience

Adding festive tunes to your voicemail greetings is a simple and effective way to enhance the customer experience. It’s a small gesture that can make a significant difference.

4. Stand out from the crowd

In a sea of generic voicemail greetings, a touch of holiday magic sets you apart, creating a lasting impression of your business.

5. Holiday voicemail greetings are affordable

You might think that adding background music comes at a steep cost, but that’s not the case. It’s a simple and cost-effective way to enhance your brand’s image and create a memorable caller experience.

Voicemail greetings and on hold messages for the holidays

Hiring a professional audio production company

If you’re looking for a truly professional business voicemail greeting, consider hiring an audio production company. Professional audio production companies have the expertise, studio equipment, and licensed music to create high-quality recordings that will impress your callers and make your business stand out.

How can we help?

On Hold Audio by Advanced Productions is a leading provider of voicemail greetings and on-hold messages. Our services include scriptwriting, professional voiceover talent, audio production, and more. We also offer a variety of licensed holiday music tracks for your voicemail greetings and holiday on-hold messages.

Contact On Hold Audio by Advanced Productions today to learn more about holiday voicemail greetings and on-hold messages. We can create a custom voicemail greeting or on-hold message just for you.

Holiday voicemail greeting sample


This holiday season, elevate your caller experience by adding background holiday music to your voicemail greetings. It’s a small change that can make a big impact, leaving your callers with warm memories of your business. Contact us today to discover how we can professionally produce voicemail greetings and on-hold messages that captivate your audience, enhance the customer experience, boost brand awareness, reduce caller frustration, and set your brand apart.

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